Doune Braes Hotel – A858, Isle of Lewis, Scotland HS2 9AA
Cancellation policy:
The Hotel’s cancellation policy is 7 days prior to the day of arrival. Please advise us of any amendments or cancellation to your booking by this time to avoid the full booking value accommodation cancellation charge to your nominated credit/debit card
Deposit Policy
A £100 per room deposit will be taken at the point of booking.
Check in/out times:
We welcome you to check in to your room any time from 3:00pm and latest departure time is 10:00am. Please contact hotel reception if you wish to request an early arrival or a late departure. Whilst we shall try to accommodate your request, it cannot be guaranteed.
Non Smoking Policy:
All bedrooms, dining room and other public rooms are strictly non-smoking. A £250 deep cleaning charge will automatically be levied when evidence is found of guests having smoked in their hotel bedroom.