Places to visit



Isle of Great Bernera

Isle of Great Bernera is a small island to the south of the hotel connected to Lewis by a bridge on the B8059. The island is a 25 minute drive away and well worth a visit. Read more


Gearrannan Blackhouse Village

Gearrannan Blackhouse Village lies 3 miles to the north of the hotel at the western side of Carloway. It is a restored village, complete with re constructions of the inside of a Blackhouse. Read more


Carloway Broch

Carloway Broch is located about one mile from the hotel above Loch an Duin on a rocky knoll in a good defensive position. A Broch is an Iron Age structure designed to impress and defend Read more


Callanish Standing Stones

Callanish Standing Stones are one of the most significant and important megalithic complexes in Europe and a short drive from the hotel. Read more


Shawbost Norse Mill and Kiln

Shawbost Norse Mill and Kiln Lies to the north of the hotel and is a 15 minute drive away. They are a renovated pair of thatched buildings used in past times to process barley grain into meal. Read more